My favorites: Literature

I consider the following literary works to be my favorites. Some of these I have revisited multiple times; others I read long ago, and I am unsure what my current opinions of them would be, but I include them based on the memory of my enjoyment.

Tragically, there are likely many other books I have read and loved, but have since forgotten, to the point that I do not even know I ought to re-read them to love them once more.

  • Kōbō Abe, The Woman in the Dunes
  • Robert Aickman, Cold Hand in Mine (and all other collections)
  • Samuel Beckett, Watt
  • Samuel Beckett, Molloy
  • Thomas Bernhard, Gargoyles
  • Thomas Bernhard, Correction
  • Thomas Bernhard, Extinction
  • Maurice Blanchot, Thomas the Obscure
  • Dino Buzzati, The Tartar Steppe
  • Raymond Chandler, Philip Marlowe novels
  • Jakub Deml, Forgotten Light
  • Philip K. Dick, Valis
  • Witold Gombrowicz, Cosmos
  • Stefan Grabiński, stories
  • Peter Handke, The Goalie’s Anxiety at the Penalty Kick
  • Peter Handke, A Moment of True Feeling
  • Sadegh Hedayat, The Blind Owl
  • Franz Kafka, The Castle
  • Franz Kafka, stories
  • Anna Kavan, Ice
  • Ágota Kristóf, The Notebook Trilogy
  • Alfred Kubin, The Other Side
  • László Krasznahorkai, The Melancholy of Resistance
  • Stanisław Lem, The Investigation
  • Thomas Ligotti, Teatro Grottesco
  • Arthur Machen, A Fragment of Life
  • Gustav Meyrink, The Golem
  • Flannery O’Connor, The Complete Stories
  • Jan Potocki, The Manuscript Found in Saragossa
  • August Strindberg, Inferno
  • Roland Topor, The Tenant
  • Robert Walser, Jakob von Gunten