My favorites: Comics

I was very enthusiastic about comics when I was younger. I still like the idea of comic books as a medium and read quite a lot of them, but I wish I were more often genuinely impressed and captivated by them. I can recognize quality works and appreciate them on an impersonal level, but rarely truly enjoy them. Below is my attempt to list those that I do like.


For these creators, it was difficult to give specific recommendations. I either appreciate their entire oeuvre or find that their oeuvre as a whole is more interesting than any individual part of it.

  • Enki Bilal
  • Charles Burns
  • Suehiro Maruo
  • Moebius
  • Olivier Schrauwen
  • Maciej Sieńczyk
  • Josh Simmons
  • Jim Woodring


  • Aâma (Frederik Peeters)
  • Blame! (Tsutomu Nihei)
  • Dai Dark (Q Hayashida)
  • David Boring (Daniel Clowes)
  • The Filth (Grant Morrison, Chris Weston, Gary Erskine)
  • Like A Velvet Glove Cast In Iron (Daniel Clowes)
  • Megg, Mogg & Owl (Simon Hanselmann)
  • Pachyderme (Frederik Peeters)